
Arrested for Denver domestic Violence – vital information you must know

Denver domestic violence- before you do anything; read this! Here are a list of FOUR IMPORTANT POINTS that you must know after being arrested for Denver domestic violence crime.  After an arrest for Denver Domestic Violence charge, you are probably in shock, scared, and worried.  What will happen to you and your family, will you […]

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Accused of a Felony in Colorado- important information you must know

Felony in Colorado What happens when you are accused of a felony in Colorado?  Dealing with the criminal justice system can and probably will seem unfair, confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming.  There are various stages and hearings that occur before you even get to trial.  This post maps out the ways a felony in Colorado case […]

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AS OF JULY 1, 2013, there are new laws to seal records of arrest and conviction

As of July 1, 2013, municipal code convictions and petty offense convictions now qualify for expungement in Colorado. This post looks at the new seal records laws recently passed in Colorado.  For additional information on Expungement and Seal Records or contact us directly at (303) 747-4686. This means that if you are convicted of a […]

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Changes to Felony Theft Laws In Colorado

What is considered felony theft charges in Colorado? Felony Theft, sometimes called felony grand theft in Colorado is typically defined by the amount of the property or money involved and is found in C.R.S. 18-4-401.  If the amount allegedly to have been taken is over $2,000, than you may be charged with felony theft or […]

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Have a safe and Happy Forth of July- expect more DUI officers, avoid a DUI arrest

The Law Office of Laurie A. Schmidt wishes everyone a safe and Happy Forth of July.  We do not encourage drinking and driving, please keep in mind that there is typically more enforcement for catching DUI drivers around a holiday weekend.  This can include additional DUI officers on the street, DUI checkpoints and increased DUI […]

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Act in Self-Defense in Colorado; but still being charged with a crime?

Act in Self-Defense; but still being charged with a crime? Even if you believe that force, deadly or otherwise, was justified, that does not mean that you will not be charged with the crime.  Many times if the use of force was or was not justified is a question for the jury.  This is what […]

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Arrested for Felony Assault in Colorado – important information you must know

If you are arrested for felony assault in Colorado, there are many questions that you probably have and information that you must know.   Beside facing potential felony charges- you also face a crime of violence.  There is a range of severity in assault charges in Colorado, depending on the facts and circumstances of the incident, […]

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Arrested For Domestic Violence – what happens next?

After you have been arrested for a domestic violence related charge, you may not know what is the procedure or how to defend the charges.  This post seeks to talk about what happens after an arrest for domestic violence in Colorado.  Click the link for more information on domestic violence laws. Immediately after a domestic […]

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DUI Evidence in Colorado used for DUI arrest and DUI charges

DUI Evidence used to convict you of a Colorado DUI or DWAI DUI EVIDENCE  – prior to police contact Even before an officer approaches your car – the DUI  investigation begins and DUI evidence is being collected.  Officers are known to frequent areas around popular bars and establishments and just wait for someone to drive […]

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Domestic Violence Laws in Colorado

 About Domestic Violence Laws in Colorado In Colorado domestic violence laws are very broad and can encompass a wide range of behavior.   A finding that your conduct was a result of domestic violence could have severe consequences in your life, relationship, career, and family.  This post is to give you information on some very common domestic […]

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