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AS OF JULY 1, 2013, there are new laws to seal records of arrest and conviction

As of July 1, 2013, municipal code convictions and petty offense convictions now qualify for expungement in Colorado. This post looks at the new seal records laws recently passed in Colorado.  For additional information on Expungement and Seal Records or contact us directly at (303) 747-4686.

This means that if you are convicted of a petty offense or municipal code violation, after completing all required programs, payment of all fines, fees, and restitution and no new law violations or arrests within three years after the case is dismissed you now qualify to seal records of arrest and convictions.

Why seal records of municipal or petty offenses

Employment is the overwhelming reason most people want to seal records of arrest and criminal convictions.  Sealing the record means that if you apply for private employment, you could indicate that you had not been convicted of a crime.  The process is a bit different than expungement, which is only available to juvenile adjudication in Colorado.

The stigma of a criminal arrest and conviction is another big reason that people want to seal records of criminal arrests and convictions.  Even if you are arrested or charged with misdemeanor or felony – you may still be eligible to seal records of arrest and court documents. Note DUI convictions can never be sealed.

How to Seal Records of Conviction

You must file a petition in District Court in Colorado to request that the court seal records of arrest and conviction for violations of municipal or petty offense.  Once the court receives all necessary information, the court will take a minimum of thirty- (30) days and usually more to set the hearing.  This gives the district attorney time to review your request and either agree or object.

If the court grants the request to seal records of arrest and conviction – than the record will be sealed.  However, it will always be available to law enforcement and the district attorneys office.

Contact us today to determine if you qualify to seal records of arrest and/or convictions or for additional information on expungement at (303) 747-4686 or by request additional information.

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