Category: Marijuana DUI

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Colorado THC Laws

Know The Colorado THC Laws on Driving

We know that drinking and driving is dangerous. In Colorado, it is illegal to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Traditionally, in a prosecution for driving under the influence of any drug the government had to show that the drug impacted a person’s ability to drive as he or she normally would. Recently, […]

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DUI Attorney Denver

Denver DUI Penalties From Colorado DMV

Loss of License in DUI or DWAI alcohol cases If you are arrested for drinking and driving in Colorado you will face two separate actions. The first is through the criminal court and the second is through the Colorado DMV. Typically, DMV determines if you keep your licenses and if not, for how long it […]

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Will a Red Card Get You Out of a Marijuana DUI in Colorado?

Marijuana DUI’s in Colorado As things are rapidly changing with the use, possession, and enforcement of marijuana laws in Colorado there tends to be a lot of misinformation about Marijuana DUI’s.  The first misconception is in regards to red cards or a medical marijuana recommendations.  Have a valid medicinal marijuana card is not a get out […]

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Marijuana DUI prosecutions in Colorado

Marijuana DUI in Colorado You can be accused and convicted for driving under the influence of marijuana.  Marijuana DUI convictions have penalties and consequences like that of an alcohol dui.  Marijuana DUI investigation will differ from an alcohol DUI investigation in a few ways.  It should, but not always is, conducted by an officer who […]

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